Impulses and new beginnings in the glass industry

Process optimization through intelligent JUMO solutions

The careful as well as economical use of available resources and energy is more important than ever. Sustainability also plays an important role in glass production and offers exciting development potential for the future. Fortunately, you are not alone in overcoming these challenges. After all, we support you efficiently, customer-specific, and reliably with sophisticated sensor and automation solutions that easily cope with even the most extreme conditions in the process of hollow and flat glass production.

Experience our solution expertise for yourself
Optimize melting and firing processes

Optimize melting and firing processes

Control melting and firing processes effectively

Reliable determination of the glass level

The JUMO smartWARE Program and our glass level sensor give you 2 clever products to make melting and firing processes more efficient and economical. This allows you to use our graphical editor to create the programs for your systems fast and easily so that you can tailor them to your specific requirements. Our glass level sensor determines the height of the glass level in a safe and reliable manner despite the high temperature of around 1500 °C.

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Our product highlights

Glass level sensor Glass level sensor Secure determination of the glass level
  • Reliable level measurement during glass melting
  • Ceramic electrode with precious metal tip
  • Connection to JUMO variTRON 500
For most extreme conditions

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Have Questions?

Sabine Rommel

Trade fair management


+49 661 6003 651 Get in contact