HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition 2021

Digital Transformation

As the Hannover Messe is digital this year, so are some of our new solutions: With JUMO Cloud and JUMO smartWARE SCADA, we present 2 highly scalable and high-performance IoT platforms. These can support you in plant and measurand monitoring, visualization, and evaluation.

Unfortunely, we only had one presentation in German at HANNOVER MESSE. That is why we show you the English presentation of the JUMO Xperience Days 2021 instead.

Watch our live stream:

"Efficient handling and monitoring of measuring data with a PLC-2 cloud solution."


JUMO smartWARE SCADA video

Get an impression of the IoT platform based on the JUMO Cloud.

More Product Highlights

JUMO IPC 300 – Electronic transformer JUMO IPC 300 Electronic transformer
  • Reduction of electricity costs thanks to uniform energy demand without reactive power or current peaks
  • Higher plant availability due to reduction of disturbances (flicker, harmonic harmonics)
  • Lower investment costs due to savings on additional compensation systems

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Sabine Hauß

Trade fair organisation


+49 661 6003 2848 Send us an email