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Communication via SPE

Single Pair Ethernet – Direct from the sensor to the cloud

Time-consuming installations are now a thing of the past. After all, the new sensors with SPE from JUMO allow you to connect directly to the cloud and effectively combine individual stages of the automation pyramid. SPE sensors require only a single wire pair for the energy supply and data transmission so that installation is simple and straightforward. Experience the new ease of everyday life!

Single Pair Ethernet sensors from JUMO: 3 convincing reasons
Reduced cabling effort
Direct connection to the cloud
Cost reduction

Alle Infos auf einen Blick

Einfach smart vom Sensor in die Cloud

Mehr erfahren Sie in unserer Broschüre über digitale Sensorkommunikation mit IO-Link, SPE und JUMO digiLine.


Interview with Manfred Walter

Product manager for SPE technology

SPE sensors for process automation

JUMO hydroTRANS JUMO hydroTRANS Humidity and temperature transmitter
  • Precise humidity and temperature measurement
  • Flexible application
  • Easy installation
SPE Technology
JUMO flowTRANS MAG H20 JUMO flowTRANS MAG H20 Electromagnetic flowmeter
  • Measurement of small quantities
  • Compact design
  • Modern HMI
SPE Technology
JUMO DELOS S02 JUMO DELOS S02 Precision pressure transmitter
  • Simple configuration
  • High degree of process reliability
  • High degree of accuracy
SPE Technology

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