drinking water treatment
Success Story: Drinking Water Treatment

Working together for sustainable water management

Due to climatic changes and the steadily growing world population, drinking water is becoming an increasingly scarce commodity. This is especially true in populous countries such as India, where more than 500 million people have no, or only difficult, access to drinking water. To remedy this situation and provide a nationwide water supply, the Indian government is taking a forward-looking approach. Together with the Baden-Württemberg State Agency for Environmental Technology and Resource Efficiency as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, methods for effective drinking water use are being tested in around 100 so-called "smart cities". One of these is the city of Solapur in the western Indian state of Maharashtra.


The water needs of the megacity are mainly met by the Ujani Dam, which is more than 100 kilometers away, but the water quality is severely affected by discharges from nearby settlements. To obtain detailed information about the raw water quality in the waterworks and to derive targeted measures for improving the drinking water supply, the quality of the water needs to be continuously monitored via an online water monitoring system.

water extraction from the reservoir

Solution approach

The JUMO Engineering department in Fulda was responsible for the technical realization of these requirements while construction management in Solapur was handled by JUMO's Indian subsidiary. In addition to digital sensors from the digiLine family, the new JUMO variTRON 300 automation system was also used. Process visualization as well as the acquisition, evaluation, and archiving of all relevant data was carried out via the innovative JUMO Cloud.

By setting up an intelligent JUMO digiLine sensor network, parameters such as flow, conductivity, acidity, and turbidity can be measured with a single system, which makes wiring the individual measuring points much faster and more efficient. All that is required is a single digital signal line to the JUMO variTRON 300 for further processing. At the heart of the clever automation system is a powerful CPU with an 800 MHz single-core processor as well as a customized configuration and process data editor.

The data is collected in the JUMO Cloud, which enables worldwide access to the measurement data via all common browsers and is characterized by a high level of security as well as valuable visualization, alarm, and planning functions. Detailed data evaluation with subsequent recommended actions is carried out on a quarterly basis by the Fraunhofer IGB.

The realized showcase project in Solapur

The realized showcase project in Solapur

Digital water monitoring

Digital water monitoring

Project outcome

JUMO's expertise and solutions make an important contribution to resource-saving water management. For example, JUMO trains local operators on how to independently monitor and optimize water values. The Water Innovation Center in Solapur shows the importance of cooperation between individual industries for solving global environmental problems. Without the network of the German Water Partnership e. V., which brings together around 350 specialist companies, universities, and research institutes from the water and wastewater sector, such effective cooperation on sustainable water management would not have been possible. Consequently, the project also serves as a model for other cities and regions.

Applied components