SAT and TUS test

SAT- и TUS-тест

JUMO thermoCOR is a portable measuring system with which the plant operator can independently perform regular SAT and TUS tests with the usual level of accuracy. The portable measuring system is a highly precise documenting test device with 12 analog inputs for thermocouples. Use of a specifically designed, integrated cold junction means that the device complies with the accuracy requirements stipulated in the AMS2750 and CQI-9 standards.

For the reliable execution of the SAT and TUS test

Certified safety for your chamber furnace

Our solution complies with the AMS2750 and CQI-9 standards

Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) and System Accuracy Tests (SAT) are essential in heat treatment systems. They enable the detection of hot and cold points in firing chambers. This ensures repeatability in the production process, enables binding customer requirements to be met, and reduces the number of complaints. The TUS test also helps with preventative maintenance. Our portable JUMO thermoCOR measuring system helps you to carry out the tests independently. The device complies with the AMS2750 and CQI-9 accuracy requirements.

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Менеджер по сегментам рынка Термопроцессные технологии

Kontaktinis Asmuo +370 37 352195 +370 37 352195